Signed in as:
Signed in as:
DG Frank is from the El Dorado Springs Lions Club.
1VDG Paula is from the Miller Lions Club.
2VDG Tammy is from the Lebanon Host Lions Club.
IPDG Phil is from the Springfield Host Lions Club
Administrator = PCC Phyllis Krebs
Alert = PDG Kevin Cantrell
Athletic = Lion Tommy Claxton
Audit = 1-yr = PCC Walter Hamer, 2-yr = PDG Kevin Cantrell, 3-yr = PDG Bill Botzow
Band = Lion Tracy Barger
Constitution & By-Laws = Lion Joyce Jones & PDG James W. Rosbrugh
Diabetes Awareness = Lion Joyce Jones
District Convention = PDG Bart Tibbs & Lion Tommy Claxton
Environment = Lion Tommy Claxton
Family/Women/Children Focus = Lion Ronda Del Boccio
Finance = 1-yr = Julianne Sarff, 2-yr = IPDG Phil Krebs, 3-yr = PDG Kevin Cantrell
Hearing = 2VDG Paula Rodgers
Hobo Day = 2VDG Tammy James
Honorary = PDG Bart Tibbs
Information Technology = IPDG Phil Krebs
International Relations = PDG Bob Crump
KidSight = PDG Bob Crump
LBOMB = PCC Walter Hamer
LCIF = IPDG Phil Krebs
LeaderDogs for the Blind = PCC Phyllis Krebs
LEO = Lion Chevelle Lawver
Lions Basketball Classic = PDG Kevin Cantrell
Long Range = PDG Bill Botzow
Marketing Relations = PDG Debbie Cantrell
Media publisher = Lion Cathy Simpson
(Newsletter, Directory, Website & Social Media)
Mid-South = PCC Phyllis Krebs
Opportunity for Youth = Lion Christina Casey
Peace Poster = Lion Rosalie Watts
Pediatric Cancer = Lion Rick Casey
Pin Traders = PDG Kevin Cantrell
QUEST = Lion Marie Tesreau
Reading Action Program = Lion Ida Lambrecht
Saving Sight = Lion Al Dohmen
Sight Conservation = PDG Jerry Young
WSB = 2VDG Tammy James
1 - Carl Junction, 2 - Diamond,
3 - East Newton, 5 - Neosho &
6 - Sarcoxie.
Chair - Lion Marlene Payne
1 - Arcola, 2 - El Dorado Springs,
3 - Hermitage, 4 - Lamar &
5 - Stockton.
Chair - Lion Marvin Manring
1 - Buffalo, 2 - Conway,
3 - Marshfield, 4 - Lebanon Host,
5 - Long Lane & 6 - Louisburg.
Chair - Lion Sandra Heithold
1 - Ava, 2 - Grovespring, 3 - Hartville, 5 - Mountain Grove & 6 - Seymour.
Chair - Lion James (Ray) Richey
1 - Blue Eye, 2 - Branson-Hollister,
3 - Forsyth, 4 - Gainesville,
5 - Kimberling City & 6 - Shell Knob, & Table Rock.
Chair - Lion Susan Thibault Linton
1 - Christian County, 2 - Elkland,
3 - Fair Grove, Ozark Future Hope
5 - Springfield Host & 6 - Halfway.
Chair - Lion Wendy Jackson
1 - Aurora, 2 - Freistatt,
3 - Marionville, 4 - Miller
& 5 - Monett.
Chair - Lion Dawna Morris